


最后编辑于 2025年2月20日

? Introducing Inke

Inke is a simple-style editor with AI-powered autocompletion. With a clean and minimalist design, Inke offers a wide range of features to enhance your writing process.

Key Features:

? WYSIWYG Editing like markdown: Inke ensures that what you see is exactly what you get. Say goodbye to complicated formatting issues and enjoy a hassle-free editing experience. Inke offers full support for Markdown syntax with markdown shortcuts.? Efficient Shortcut Inputs: Inke understands the importance of speed and efficiency, so it support slash menu & bubble menu.? AI-powered Text Autocomplete: Boost your productivity with Inke’s AI-powered autocomplete feature. Inke intelligently suggests completions for your text, making writing even faster and more efficient. (type ?? to activate, or select from slash menu)? Local Data Storage: Rest easy knowing that your data is safe and secure. Inke saves all your notes and documents locally, ensuring your sensitive information remains private.? Image uploads: drag & drop / copy & paste, or select from slash menu.

Upcoming features:

Cloud storage notesExport notes as imagesExport notes to a local file

? Try Inke here

Now start a new line and type /, then you will see a menu pop up, press the ↑ or ↓ to move the cursor and press Enter to select it.

Markdown shortcuts make it easy to format the text while typing.

To test that, start a new line and type # followed by a space to get a heading. Try #, ##, ###, ####, #####, ###### for different levels.

Try > for blockquotes, *, – or + for bullet lists, or `foobar` to highlight code, ~~tildes~~ to strike text, or ==equal signs== to highlight text.

You can overwrite existing input rules or add your own to nodes, marks and extensions.

For example, we added the Typography extension here. Try typing (c) to see how it’s converted to a proper © character. You can also try ->, >>, 1/2, !=, or –.


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